
Laughing at Myself, Oh I'mma Laughing at Myself

You gotta laugh at yourself, folks. Let's just cut to the chase here.  On Thursday, December 14, I was an idiot. I rose early that morning and got myself ready for work.  It was still dark, cold and windy outside, so at least there wasn't any frost to scrape off the windshield with an old credit card or CD cover.  I got in the car, grateful for heated seats, and made sure the radio was tuned to Bob and Sheri so I could have some laughs on my 26-mile commute into work.  Five seconds into driving off, I heard a horrendous noise under the hood; that rattle/roar/tapping that strikes fear into the heart of the car owner.  I stopped the car, put it in park, and revved the engine just a touch.  No noise.  Put it in drive, headed out again, and there was the noise.  No smell, no warning lights coming on.  What the...?  Y'all probably know what kind of words were coming out of my mouth at this point.  I think I made up a few.  God was probably staring down at me in vast disappoi

I Tried Making ZaSu's Fudge. It Was a Disaster.

Movie history has always been one of my passions.  I love looking up information about film stars going back to the days of the silent (in other words, spending time on the internet looking up interesting stuff instead of cleaning my house), and there are several of those old reels I've come to love.  One actress I recently researched was ZaSu Pitts. ZaSu was a comedic actress who normally portrayed nervous, fluttery types, but in 1924 she starred in Erich Von Stroheim's "Greed" as Trina Sieppe, a miserly, unlikable woman who didn't want to part with a nickel of a $5,000 lottery win. Trina ended up first having her fingers bitten off by her husband (pissed because she wouldn't give him any money), then he kills her in a drunken rage.  Unless you think this was very lurid stuff for the silent era, remember that these were pre-code days.  Anyhow, back to ZaSu.  She was also an expert candy maker, having learned from her mother, and used to carry bags of h